International, Swedish & Norwegian Champion, LP

Argenta's Llewellyn

Studdog at kennel Wellfith, Sweden


Ch Wellfith's Heathcliff

Pedigree of Argenta's L-litter, born 1990-02-16

. . Ch Asgard Kopek von Holz
. Int Ch Carabella First Prize
. Ch Carabella Angelica
Int Ch Argenta's Griffith (Sire)
. Int Ch Kryddgaardens Big Boy
. Int Ch Argenta's Eleonora
. Int Ch Mascars Mercedes
. . Ch Pepper Tree Victor's Vanity
. Int Ch Skansen's Faenrik
. Skansen's Yolanda
Int Ch Argenta's Augustine (Dame)
. Lausbub v d Munteren Gesellen
. Int Ch Mascars Morska
. Mascars Madame Huhnerhof


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