Ch Argenta’s Thyr Tisdag Argenta’s Thyr Tisdag American Champion Owned by Tom Terry, USA Handled by Joy Roth, USA Champion offspring: Ch Celtic Cross Steel Pride Ch. Celtic Cross Outlaw Sheridan Mahon Ch. Celtic Cross Katahdin Coracle Ch. Celtic Cross Conchobhar Ch. Celtic Cross Riverdance, HT Ch. Celtic Cross Leah Bo Bea Born 7th of January 2004 Sire Dame International, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian Champion, Finnish Winner Int, Multi Champion, JWW-02, EW-05, Multi Winner Argenta’s Yeoman Yankee Von Roth’s Fanfare Pedigree of Kennel Argenta’s second T-litter Ch Argenta’s Yeoman Yankee (Sire) Ch Casso’s Baldur Ch Asgard Halcyon Appollo Ch Mihan AH-Leila Int Ch Argenta’s Galathea Int Ch Carabella First Prize Int Ch Argenta’s Eleonora Ch von Roth’s Fanfare (Dame) Ch Centara Canicula Derondo Ch Charisma Tango Ch Centara Canicula Ch Von Roth’s Valkyrie Ch Von Roth’s Pierce Ch Von Roth’s Rosalind