Miniature Schnauzer: Ann-Marie Maeland, Sweden, 31 entries
Schnauzer: Margareta Skogsberg, Sweden, 16 entries
Group 2: Benny Blid von Schedvin, Sweden, 30 breeds
Our Argenta’s Mini Antonov were first out in the show. He was shown for the first time in the big open class and were placed reserv with an honour prize.
Well done Caroline and Margareta for doing a good work on him.

Later in the morning Kolja Borodatiij Djavol Graf Kaliostro entered the ring won the champion males and also best male.
Our third dog today was Caudatus Bohemia “Molly” that we co own with kennel Caudatus. Molly won the open females came third in the best female class behind two champions and also got the CAC.
Ch Centara Dazzling Dubonne came third in the champion females and reserv in the best female class of course with certificte quality.

Kolja competed and won Best of Breed.
Ch Velvet Dandy’s Fiffiga Nanette and judge Margareta Skogsberg

In the afternoon he was
Best in Group 2
It was two special wins, when winning under two highly skilled schnauzer specialists! |
Judge: Irina Poletaeva, Russia, entries ?Argenta’s Falstaf Fakir
won the CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed
The judge said “I really, really like him” 🙂

“Staffan” really love the ribbons and to win

Well done Kirsi and Staffan! |
Miniature Schnauzer: Gertrude Hagström, Sweden, 44 entries
Schnauzer: Ulf Bråthen, Denmark, 24 entries
Argenta’s Mini Aksinja were shown in the intermediate class came second with excellent.
Argenta’s Flanagan were first out in the Schnauzer ring. He came second in his class also with an excellent.

Next were Ch Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro he won champion males with and excellent,
he also won the best male class.

First out in the female class were Argenta’s Felicity, here with Ida her owner

and Argenta’s Ginerva both shown in the junior class.
This was Ginervas first show and she was doing great despite no training at all.
Caudatus Bohemia were shown in the open class came second with excellent and later on third best female.
Von Roth’s Fanfare won veteran females and was Veteran Best in Opposite.

Kolja won Best of Breed here with judge Ulf Bråthen and BOS Velvet Dandy’s Fiffiga Nanette
The most winning champions and veterans, all breeds, in Sweden during 2009,
were invited to the prestigious show Champion of Champions and Veteran of Veterans
at Grand Hotel in the middle of Stockholm.
This year, after 28 years, the show was held for the last time,
so it was even more glamorous than ever!
Our Caper Int & Multi Ch Von Roth’s Fanfare was our fourth dog being invited to the show.
Before her we have had Qlaudia, Galathea and Griffith invited to the show.
As it was for the last time the whole family and several friends
went to the show to cheer Caroline and Caper.

Caroline and Caper before the show.
The Royal Castle in the background to the right.

Some of the family gathering before the show
Johnny, Birgitta, Caper, Caroline, Alexandra, Gabriella, Sylvester, Cornelia and Boel.
We met the rest Gunilla, Niklas, Peo, Anki, Liselotte and Bente at the show.

The show starts

Caroline and Caper enter the stage

we got some great photos from Stefan Borg, here is one of them.

The judge Claudio De Giuliani from Italy is checking Caper.
Here also with the only dog that was winning over Caper
the Bishon Frise that won Veteran of Veterans.

the judge and Caper, another great photo from Stefan Borg

thank you Stefan for sending the photos, we really appreciate it

We really had a great evening with good food and nice friends.