Standard Schnauzer: Paul Jentgen, Luxemburg
Mini Schnauzer: Kari Granaas Hansen, Norge
We all went to the International SKK show hosted in Kista Mässan.
18 standards and 47 minis were entered. Zylvan Amber “Clura” was first dog out.
There were 10 junior females entered and Clura came as number 2
with a very good judgement.


Then we had to run over to the standard schnauzer ring.
Argenta’s Ellington won Puppy Best of Breed.
Swe Winner’09 Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro “Kolja” won the youth class


Kolja won Best of male with CAC and CACIB

Unfortunatelly a very bad photo but
Centara Dazzling Dubonet “Dede” won the open class CAC and CACIB.
That gave her the Swedish Championtitle!

Ch Von Roth Fanfare “Caper” 8 years old
won Veteran Best of Breed and second best female
So in the end “Kolja” and “Dede” were competing about the Best of Breed.

Caroline with Best in Opposite SexCh Centara Dazzling Dubonet judge Paul Jentgen
Boel with Best of Breed Swe Winner ’09 Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro
Caper competed in the Veteran final ring she won
Veteran Best In Show Reserv
Kolja also competed in the final ring in Group number 2.

In the final ring Boel and Kolja

Kolja won
Best in Group
Here with judge Elzbieta Chwalibóg, Poland
While waiting for Mikael to get the car, we took some photos

Zylvan Amber 11 month old


Ch Von Roth’s Fanfare 8 years old


Swe Winner 2009 Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro 18 month old
