Argenta’s Mini Brilliant Argenta’s Mini Brilliant Swedish Bloodtracking Champion Rally Obedience M Rally Obedience A Rally Obedience F Rally Obedience N “Mira” 1,5 years old “Mira” competing in agility, she’s up in the third class in Agility jumping and second class in Agility “Anton” and “Mira” won their last point for master class in rally obedience Argenta’s Mini Antonov and Argenta’s Mini Brilliant together with their owner Margareta after winning in agility “Mira” 1 year old “Mira” 6,5 weeks old 33,5 cm Qualified Mentalitytest 1 on shooting PRA free, Cataract free 2012.07.02 Born May 16th 2010 Sire Dame Swedish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Baltic Champion Mac Link’s Just Do It Zylvan Amber Mac Link’s Just Do It (Sire) Ch Ezüst Gránit Lightning Mac Link’s Nordic Delight Ezüst Gránit Full Falatka Ch Mac Link’s Just Call Me Miss Ch Art Deco Unclesam Ch Mac Link’s Mrs Delight Zylvan Amber (Dame) Ch Alert Charm Absinthe to Willken Trixer Underberg Virgilia Moldau North Ch Top Target Yurmala Russkiy Assorti’c Triumph Vivat Barbudo Magic Victory