Argenta’s Mini Eileen
Argenta’s Mini Eileen
Swedish Champion
Estonian Champion
Swedish Blood Tracking Champion |

Argenta’s Mini Eileen, 2,5 years old
Eileen 2,5 years old
Eileen winning Best of Breed 19 months old
BOS Ch Catechism Going Nuts

Eileen 19 months old

Eileen 18 months old

Eileen 9 months old

Eileen winning puppy Best of Breed.
BOS puppy New Era’s Queenstown
Judge Isolde Huber, Schnauzer specialist form Germany

Eileen winning Best of Breed puppy
BOS Hedenhös Casper, who is a son out of Argenta’s Mini Anuschka
Judge Maritha Östlund-Holmstedt, Sweden

Eileen 8 months

Eileen 7 months

Eileen 4,5 months

Eileen 4,5 months

Eileen 3 months

Eileen 3 months

Eileen 8 weeks

Eileen 7 weeks
Eileen 7 weeks
Eyes checked clear:
Passed mentality test with 1 on shooting, 4 on contact and playing |
Own by Kennel Argenta |
Pedigree of Argenta’s Mini E-litter
Born: 2012-12-29
Sire |
Kaspelix Kompis Tage
International, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Nordic Champion |
Zylvan Amber
International, Swedish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Baltic Champion |
Ch Kaspeli Kompis Tage
(Sire) |
Forsis Salte Lyckans Ost |
Ch Ufo Van De Havenstad (s) |
Ch Forsis Salta Livets Krydda |
Kaspelix Bubble Gum
Starlings Kevin Costner |
Falkendals Wicked Lady |
Ch Zylvan Amber
(Dame) |
Ch Alert Charm Absinthe to Willken |
Ch Trixer Underberg
Ch Virgilia Moldau North |
Ch Top Target Yurmala |
Russkiy Assorti’c Triumph |
ChVivat Barbudo Magic Victory |