Ch Argenta’s Caitline

Argenta’s Caitline

International Champion
Nordic Champion
Swedish Champion

Norwegian Champion
Finnish Champion 
Vice World Junior Winner 2008 

Caitline 5 years old
Caroline and Catie

Caitline running

“Catie” 5 years old

“Catie” 2 years old

 CAitline 2 years old
2 years old

Caitie and Caroline
2 years old

Caitline 1 year
1 years old

Catie playing with her favorite toy

Caitline 8 w
8 weeks old 
Owned by Caroline Niklasson, Huddinge 

Passed Mentalitytest 1 on shooting

Mother of Argenta’s third I-litter

Pedigree of Kennel Argenta’s third C-litter
Born 2nd of July 2007 

Sire Dame
Int & Mutli Champion Int, Swedish, Fin & Norw Ch
Jetaime Talhi Raritet Argenta’s Shinade
Ch Jetaime Talhi Raritet
Ch Dinamunde Diplomat Ch
Mihan Resonaattori
Golden Graffity Du Rippelsholz
Ch Jetaime Talhi Instant Victory Klondaike Mazhor
Ch Jetaime Basinger
Ch Argenta’s Shinade
Ch Felice Di Stevens Halveg Di Fora Grand
Luci Gardi
Ch Argenta’s Octavia Ch Ban de Barbaria
Ch Keynote’s Shouting Argenta Trombone