Göran Åkesson, Sweden
35 Standard Schnauzers were enteredFirst out in the ring were Argenta’s Driscoll and Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro.
Both were shown in the youth class. “Kolja” came first and Driscoll second.

Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro

Then in the intermediate class Culpepper,
but he needed to mature some more.
We had Utrillo in the championclass and he was the winner. Perfectly shown by Caroline.

Ch & LP I, II, III Argenta’s Utrillo and Caroline are really a “Dreamteam”.

Ch Argenta’s Zaerskild and Anki came as third best championmale

Caroline, Utrillo and Zaerskild and Anki

In the best male class. Utrillo were the winner with the CACIB and
Kolja came as the second best male, he got the CAC.

Caroline and Caitline

In the intermediate class were Centara Dazzling Dubonet second,
Caudatus Bohemia came fourth and Caitline were placed as reserv.

Yoline came second in championclass and in the best female class with reserv CACIB.

Ch Argenta’s Wakanda and Heidi were reserv in the championclass.

Int Ch Argenta’s Jezebel won Veteran Best of Breed and
was reserv in the best female class.

Ch LP I,II,III Argenta’s Utrillo and Caroline here with the judge Göran Åkesson
and Ch Velvet Dandy’s Sigrid Storåda and Maria

We had a nice group consisted with 4 combinations.
From the left Boel with Utrillo, Caroline and Caitline, Gunilla and Jezebel and Anki with Yoline
As Jezebel won Veteran Best of Breed she wet in to the final ring.
