A nice weekend together with the children.
Christoffer were practise driving and it was great not needing to drive the whole way by my self.
We stayed in Torsby as we always do when visiting Värmland.
Saturday morning we went for the dog show in Ransäter.
Judge: Ulf Bråthen, Denmark
We had Kolja and Ulyssa entered and also Susanne’s Affenpinscher Madicken. Caitline and Clura followed as a fan club. Cornelia and Caroline showing and Christoffer helping with all the stuff, keeping an eye of the dogs, getting food and all other things that are so important on a show.
We really had a great day in the sun together with good friends. This was that kind of show with no hard competition, lots of talk out side the ring a lots of laughs.
Kolja won the best male class and was Best in Opposite Sex.
Yellowstone came with his owner Maria and Yackson with Sara. We took Ulyssa with us from Märtha and we got Bohemia at the show from friends of Susanne.

Caroline were first out with Madicken
Ch Velvet Dandy’s Laa-Laa
she came second in the best female class
Photo Maria Borg

Argenta’s Yackson and Argenta’s Yellowstone
Both males got certificate qualities and were fourth and reserv in the best male class.

Argenta’s Yackson

LP I Argenta’s Yellowstone

Caudatus Bohemia came second in open females

Argenta’s Ulyssa came fourth

BOB Ch Estellet’s ? and Best in Opposite Kolja
I’m so happy and proud having two such a great handlers
in the family Caroline and Cornelia.
Caroline helped with handling of a nice black SS Schnaublacks Diana and won
CAC, CACIB, BOS and the Swedish Champion title. She also showed a cute affen male VD’s Tinky Winky and won the CAC and Reserv CACIB. Later on Caroline helped with the Best in Show winning Affenpinscher breeders group from kennel Velvet Dandy’s and both Caroline and Cornelia helped with handling in the Best in Show winning Progeny Group – Ch Estellet’s Blomman Biancha
Congratulation 🙂 |