Standard Schnauzer: Jan Stääv, 48 entered
BIS Veteran: Jan Stääv
Best In Show: Soile Bister

Argenta’s Donovan made his debut in the showring.
Both he and his owner Mats did a good jobb in the intermediate class.

Reserv Worldjuniorwinner ’08 Argenta’s Culpepper came second
in the intermediate class
got an certificate quality and was reserv in the best male class.

Annika and “Pepper” in action.
The winner in the class and fourth in the best male class were
Ch Argenta’s Undine’s son Adiolas Alenzo.
Our Kolja competed in the big open class

Swedish and Estonian Winner’09
Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro
won the class

Caroline and “Uffe” competed in the champion class

Swe Ch, LP I, LP II, LP III, Swe Obedience Champion, Nordic Winner’07
Argenta’s Utrillo
they won the champion class.
So inte the best male class the winner were Utrillo, second Kolja, fourth Alenzo and reserv Culpepper.
winner in junior females were

Argenta’s Eleonor here with co owner Carina Rapp and the judge.
Eleonor won Junior BOS.
The winner were Ch Argenta’s Qayenne’s gran son Caudatus Ray of Sunshine.
LP I, Argenta’s Brittany were entered in the open females,
she came third with certificate quality and was fourth in the best female class.

LP I Argenta’s Brittany

LP I Argenta’s Brittany
she is good looking our Bella.
In champion class

were Ch Argenta’s Adiola entered, she came reserv.
Earlier in the morning her baby son Adiolas Billy Boy was Puppy BOS 4-6 month.
Billy Boy is also out of Ch Argenta’s Utrillo.
Veteran females
winner were

Caroline and Int, Swe, Am, Est Ch, World Winner’02, European Winner’ 05
Von Roth’s Fanfare
third veteran female with certificate quality

Swe and Fin Ch Argenta’s Leonora and her owner Maria

Caroline and Caper winning the best female class

Best of Breed judging
Caroline and Uffe, Boel and Caper

Best of Breed Ch Von Roth’s Fanfare, Best in Opposite Ch Argenta’s Utrillo,
here with judge Jan Stääv.
Our breeders group
waiting for the judge to look at them

Maria and Leonora, Annika and Culpepper, Monica and Adiola, Caroline and Utrillo
Four combinations, from 2-9 years of age.
It was a very warm day, around 30 degrees!
Caroline trying to keep Kolja cold.

So in the end we had the finals
Caper competed in the veteran final

and she won!

Caper and Caroline
Veteran Best in Show
She also won
Best In Show Reserv