June 2010

June 2010

June 27-28th
Midsummer weekend
Worldwinner Show and Schnauzer/Pinscher Specialty
Herning, Denmark

We went to Denmark with Yoline and her son Flanagan.
We had a great weekend together with our friends Corinne, Lasse and their two dogs Daisy and Egon
We had a small house close to the beach.
We also ha a great time together with all our other friends and schnauzerpeople.Danish Schnauzer Pinscher Club Worldwinner Weekend Specialty

Judge: Dick Baars, The Netherlands, entry 55 standard schnauzers, ps

Argenta’s Flanagan Excellent 3 in the juniorclass
Ch Argenta’s Culpepper VG in the champion males
Ch Argenta’s Utrillo Excellent in open males
Ch Argenta’s Wakanda Excellent 3 in open females
Ch Argenta’s Yoline Excellent 1 in open females
she also was fourth in the best female class with CAC and that resulted in
a Danish and Nordic Champion title.

Annika and Ch Argenta’s Culpepper in champion males

Argenta’s Flanagan in the junior males

Argenta’s Flanagan “Primo”

The junior males Flanagan in the middle and Caroline with Adiola’s Billy Boy in the end.
Billy is out of Ch Argenta’s Utrillo and Ch Argenta’s Adiola 

Ch Argenta’s Utrillo “Uffe” in the open males

some of the open males

some of the open females Wakanda in the middle and Yoline in the end

Ch Argenta’s Wakanda 

Ch Argenta’s Wakanda “Candy”

Ch Argenta’s Yoline “Cara”


Caroline and Cara, a great couple.

Cara won the CAC and the Danish championtitle that also gave her the Nordic Champion title!
Candy came third behind Cara in the huge open females class.

In the end of the day there were six breeders groups competen against each other.
One winner and all the rest on honourable second place.

Kennel Argenta, three combinations
From left Swe Ch, Swe Obed. Ch, LP I, II, III Argenta’s UtrilloSwe Ch Argenta’s Wakanda,
Swe, Fin, Dan & Nordic Ch, Nordic W, WJW, Swe W , LP I Argenta’s Yoline.
Shown by Boel, Annika and Caroline

Swe Ch Argenta’s Wakanda

Multi Ch & Multi Winner, LP I Argenta’s Yoline

Both Candy and Cara are out of our great Int & Multi Ch Centara Outback Jack

So then we went back to the house and started to prepaire for the worldwinner show


A total of over 19.000 dogs were entered to the show in Herning

Judge: Rainer Vourinen, Finland, 97 standard Schnauzers ps

Argenta’s Flanagan Excellent 1 in junior males, World Junior Winner 2010
Argenta’s Falstaf Fakir had to much fun in the ring :-), VG junior males
Ch Argenta’s Culpepper VG, champion males
Ch Argenta’s Utrillo Excellent 4, open males
Ch Argenta’s Wakanda VG, open females
Ch Argenta’s Yoline VG, open females

We also had some nice results on our grand children too.
Caudatus Ray of Sunshine won Intermediate class and the Danish CAC,
congratulation Susanne for such a wonderful male and Maria for proffesional handling as always.
“Mollberg” is a grand son to Ch Argenta’s Qayenne.
Adiola’s Alenzo so close to win the open males but came on a great third place in the end. A great dog from Monica that has done some wonderful winnings in Sweden during last year. So nice of you Marianne to help Monica with Alenzo. “Lenzo” is out of
Ch Argenta’s Undine and a granson to Ch Argenta’s Leonora.
Ch Mohner’s Spicy that won BOB the day before, is a grand daughter to Ch Argenta’s Nana Ninotchka.
On the fourth place in the junior females came Adiola’s Bumble Bee, she is out of Ch Argenta’s Utrillo and Ch Argenta’s Adiola.
Third in veteran females were Int & Multi Ch Dan-Esch Floria Tosca out of our wonderful “Jed”
Ch Geistvoll Voltaire and a grand daughter to Ch Argenta’s Nana Ninotchka.
It is a great feeling to stand and see so many nice dogs and then know that our lines are behind them.
So many other dogs at the show had our lines but further back in the pedigrees.

So over to some photos

some of the junior males


waiting for the judge to decide

Flanagan winning the class

World Junior Winner 2010
Argenta’s Flanagan

and with the judge Rainer Vourinen

some of the open males

the four last open males
first is Ch Adiola’s Alenzo and fourth Ch Argenta’s Utrillo


Ch Argenta’s Utrillo “Uffe”


in front of the judge

The four best dogs at the world winner show in Denmark 2010
Best in Opposite Sex WW’10 Ch Mohner’s TitanWJW’10 Argenta’s Flanagan
WJW’10 Ave Concorde Giperboreya
, Best Of Breed WW’10 Dronas Asti Mondoro
Congratulation Elena and Tanya for the great best of breed win and the world winner title! 

When we came back to the house some champagne to celebrate
Caroline, Boel, Corinne, Lasse and Pat.

Daisy, Cara and Egon after a long walk at the beach, 11.00 in the night!
(it is Midsummer in Scandinavia)
In the end I had to show this, mother and son
2006 in Poland and 2010 in Denmark both
World Junior winners

thanks to two wonderful males
Cara’s father Int & Multi Ch Centara Outback Jack and Primo’s father Int & Multi Ch, Multi Winner Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro

June 19th to 21th 
Triple International SKC Show

We went to Jönköping together with Angela, Irina and Bark and of course Boel, Birgitta, Caroline and Kolja, Flanagan and Caper. We were lucky that we could stay at Monica’s and Ingvar’s house together with Marie-Louise and Frida. Together we had nearly 20 dogs included 4 males and no problem at all.Day 1
Judge: Cristian Stavarache, Rumania
Argenta’s Falstaf Fakir
 where first dog out

followed by his brother Argenta’s Flanagan
“Primo” won the CAC and became third best male behind Ch Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro second
Ch Argenta’s Utrillo that also won the reserv CACIB.

Best in opposite and Veteran Best of Breed were Caper Ch Von Roth’s Fanfare
“Kolja Best of Breed and also picked among the seven best dogs in group number 2.
This weekend there were over 40 dogs in the group.

Day 2
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar, Sweden

Best of Breed Kolja and Best in Opposite and Veteran BOB Caper
Argenta’s Flanagan second best male with CAC.

Day 3
Judge: George Kotopoulos, Greece

Best of Breed Ch Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro and BOS Pfeffer Young At Heart

Second best male with CAC and reserv CACIB Argenta’s Falstaf Fakir

Kolja and Caroline


12-13th of June
Latvian Kennel Club International Show 
in Riga 

We had a hard decision to make, go for the Swedish Winner title in Avesta or hope for International champion titles in Latvia. We decided to go to Riga see some new dogs and meet our friends and we never regret our decision.
Swedish winnertitles are more to come 🙂 and we came home with 4 CACIB, 2 reserv CACIB, 2 CAC, 3 BOB, 2 BOS and 1 Cruft qualification on three dogs. We brought Kolja, Dede and Madicken our friend Susanne’s (Kennel Caudatus) Affenpinscher, we thought why not help each other.

We went by boat over to Riga and met summer with 30 degrees celcius. Evija were so nice letting us borrow her apartment and we had a nice day with Evija, Angela and Natalja showing us Riga.

Schnauzer: Vincent O’Brien, Ireland
Affenpinscher: Monika Blaha, Austria

Saturday morning better and lower temperature and we went to Ozolnieke for the first show day. Kolja, Dede and Madicken the affenpinscher were well prepaired. Kolja won the open males and also the best male class with CAC and CACIB, That gave him the Latvian and International champion title he also qualified for Cruft. Dede came second in the best female class and Madicken came second best female with CAC and that gave her the Latvian championtitle.

Caroline and Madicken winning the CAC

part of the best male class

(Thanks for the photos, Angela)

International, Swedish, Estonian & Latvian Champion, Swedish and Estonian Winner’09
Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro

Boel and Dede

International, Swedish, Estonian and Latvian Ch Centara Dazzling Dubonet 

Kolja won Best of Breed here with judge and BOS Ch Mihan Helliköhelle

Caroline and Madicken, Swedish and Latvian Champion Velvet Dandy’s Laa-Laa 
Caroline were doing a great work preparing and showing Madicken 

Sunday we went back to the showground in Ozolnieki
Schnauzer: Monika Blaha, Austria
Affenpinscher: Guiseppe Alessandra, Italy

Kolja once again won Best of Breed with CACIB
Dede won Best in Opposite also with CACIB and that gave her her International championtitle. Madicken went Best of Breed and that also gave her the CACIB, her first outside Sweden she is now on her way for her international title.

Kolja showing his bite for the judge.

in front of the judge

Dede in the champion class

Kolja and Dede, BOB and BOS

Caroline and Madicken

and then pack the tent, pack the car and back to the boat and the trip back to Sweden.

We got a message from Kirsi and Argenta’s Falstaf Fakir. A new weekend and a new CAC :-).

Bloodtracking, Uppsala 

Margareta and Argenta’s Mini Antonov qualified in bloodtracking (viltspår)
Well done Margareta and Anton 🙂

June 6th
Swedish Kennel Club International Show

Schnauzer: Carl Fernandez-Renau, Spain, entry 11
Veteran Best in Show, Milivoje Urosevic, Serbia
Once again Argenta’s Fielding were shown in the junior class
and got an honour prize

Kolja became best male with the CACIB

Ch Centara Dazzling Dubonet won champion females and
were second in the best female class with reserv CACIB

Ch Argenta’s Concordia came fourth.
Caper won the Veteran females and were third best female.

Caper later on won Veteran Best of Breed and

Kolja won Best of Breed here with judge and BOS Velvet Dandy’s Gunpowder Gertie

Kolja were picked but not placed in the huge Group 2.

and Caper once again

Veteran Best in Show among all breeds! 

June 5th- June 6th 
Finnish Kennel Club Show x 2 
Jämsä, Finland 

First day.
Argenta’s Falstaf Fakir “Staffan”
Best junior male and second best male with CAC behind a multichampion. Judge Hannele Jokisilta, FinlandSecond day.
Argenta’s Falstaf Fakir
Best of Breed with CAC, judge Mette M. Tufte, Norway.

Thank you Kirsi 🙂


June 5th 
Swedish Schnauzer-Pinscher Club Show

Schnauzer: Anne-Marie Maeland, Sweden, entry14
Argenta’s Fielding
 for the first time out in the officiel classes.
We met him the same day and he had so much fun in the ring.
He got a great critique so he will be back and then in a better coat condition.
He won junior males and became Junior BOB.

Kolja winning champion males and were second best male.

Norw Ch Argenta’s Concordia “Kerstin” were shown in open females,
she won the class and got the CAC and that gave her the Swedish championtitle.

Ch Von Roth’s Fanfare won veteran females and Veteran BOS.