Stockholm Easter International Dog Show
Schnauzer judge: Kenneth Edh, Sweden
Miniature Schnauzer judge: Birgitta Hasselgren, Sweden
First out in juniorclass were SE JW-12 Argetnta’s Kingsley, Nelson,
who ended up as 2nd best male with CAC, unfortunately to young to receive the CACIB
Xocco Saltus Ze Zahrabske, Xocci, were shown in official class for the first time and did it
like a real professional!
Standing perfect even when judge Kennet Edh is looking at her teeth
Xocci ended up as BOB with CAC (also too young for CACIB), only 9 months old and Kolja became BOS!
SE JW-12 Argenta’s Mini Dahlia, Kenja, were shown in juniorclass and ended up
as 2nd in her class with excellent and CK and 3rd best bitch!
Only three females received CK!
Kenja standing perfect when judge Birgitta Hasselgren examines her on the table
Kenja showing her good movement
Freestanding perfect in front of Caroline
After the show we took the opportunity to take some new photos of our lovely and very promising youngsters
SE JW-12 Argenta’s Kingsley, 15 months old.
Already with a nice title and CAC winner
Xocco Saltus Ze Zahrabske, 9 months old.
Qualified to the big competition Puppy of The Year and Best of Breed winner
Xocci with her handler Caroline after a great showday
SE JW-12 Argenta’s Mini Dahlia, 14 months.
Already winning a title at the age of 10 months.
Kenja is freestanding perfectly without leash on these pictures.
Swedish Schnauzer/Pinscher awards 2012

Argenta’s Jasper became top winning junior of all schnauzer/pinscher breeds!

Argenta’s Karamelli came on 2nd place on puppy of the year 4-6 months
SvCh Argenta’s Mini Atonov became the best miniature schnauzer p/s in obedience and 6th place in total.
He also came on a second place of agillity dog medium of the year!
Well done Anton and Margareta!
SvCh Argenta’s Mini Brilliant came on 5th place as agillity dog small of the year!
Well done Mira and Margareta!
SeUch, SvCH, LP I, LP II Argenta’s Yellowstone came in 5th place of allround dog of the year!
Well done Ozzy and Maria!
C.I.B, FinUch, SeUch, NoUch, LtCh, NordicCh Argenta’s Falstaff Fakir
became 2nd top schnauzer male in Finland!
Well done Staffan and Kirsi!
News from USA
We got some great news from USA and Argenta’s Leelace Lorelai who won
Best of Winners and got her last major point, only one year old.
Now she only need one more point for the american championtitle!
Well done Garnavieve and Leelace!
SKC International Dogshow in Strängnäs
Miniature Schnauzer judge: Pia Lundberg
Group judge: Petra Junehall
Best In Show judge: Åke Cronander
Totally 3.021 entered dogs
We only had three Schnauzers and one Miniature schnauzer with us
and had a great day with fantastic results and good friends
It was hard to get a picture where Argenta’s Jazzman was standing still
without wagging his tail so much so his whole body vibrated
He ended up as third best male with CAC!
Now he only need to turn two years old before he can take his last CAC for the championtitle!
Then it was time for Argenta’s Jezelin to enter the ring
Jezelin ended up as best female with CAC and CACIB
Argenta’s Jezelin became BOS and Kolja became BOB
Argenta’s Jezelin 22 months old
SE JW-12 Argenta’s Mini Dahlia became 4th junior female with Excellent
SE JW-12 Argenta’s Mini Dahlia, 13 months old
Kolja and Boel running in the final ring
Line up in group 2
Kolja ended up as Best In Group 1!
Thank you judge Petra Junehall
Kolja in Best In Show
Line up in Best In Show
Lithuanian Winner Show
Argenta’s Mini Dag Diplomat, Duke, got his first official title – Lithuanian Junior Winner 2013!
Now both Argenta’s Mini Dag Diplomat and Argenta’s Mini Dahila have junior winner titles!
LT JW-13 Argenta’s Mini Dag Diplomat, 13 months old