May 30th Swedish Kennel Club International Show Österbybruk
Schnauzer: Jurate Butkiene, Lithuania, 12 entries
Group 2: Petra Junehall, Sweden, 58 breeds
Best in Show Veteran: Alenka Pokorn, Slovenia, entries ?
We came with four dogs this time. Kolja, Dede, Caper and Bohemia.
Kolja once again our first dog in the ring hen won the class and the CACIB
As Caroline and I had three dogs to show we never had any time to take some photos of the girls.
Thank you Anki and Birgitta for helping preparing the dogs.
Caudatus Bohemia “Molly” won open females. Ch Centara Dazzling Dubonet won champion females
and Ch Von Roths Fanfare won Veteran females. Best female with CACIB were Dede,
third best female were Caper and fourth best female were Molly.
Kolja in the finalring
Reserv Best in Group
Caper and Caroline showed in the Veteran final ring.
and became
Veteran Best In Show
May 23rd Swedish Schnauzer-Pinscher Club Show Hässleholm
Best in Show Veteran: Anders Tunold-Hanssen, Norway
Best in Show: Vivan-Maria Soleckuu Sztunas, Poland
There were a very high quality in the schnauzer ring today too.
Caroline started by helping Monica with her handsome male from the intermediate class Adiola’s Bór Bure.
The won the class and later on came second in the best male class, that resulted in Bure’s first certificate.
This good lookig male is out of Ch Argenta’s Utrillo and Ch Argenta’s Adiola.
Best of Breed Kolja here with judge Vivan-Maria Soleckuu Sztunas
and Best in Opposite Sex Elestorp’s Cháteau Clinet.
She is a daughter to Ch Argenta’s Wakanda and a grand daughter to Ch Argenta’s Jefferson
The Veteran ring, some of the dogs
Veteran Best in Show
Caper and Caroline “the Dream Team”
here with judge Anders Tunold-Hanssen
Some of the dogs in the Best in Show line up
Between Kolja and the good looking Fixus Local News
Best in Show!
May 22nd Swedish Kennel Club National Show
Schnauzer: Haranen Juta, Estonia, 30 entries
We had a great day in Hässleholm. Most of the dogs of a very high quality.
It is really nice to see some new dogs and new faces when going south.
We only had three dogs (Kolja, Caper & Bella) with us this time.
Our wonderful Kolja were first out of our dogs.
Caper were picked but not placed in the big veteran group.
Kolja was also picked in the final ring and were among the seven best dogs in the huge Group 2
May 16th Stuvsta
We got our second Mini litter – Mini B!
Our wonderful Clura gave birth to six puppies within 1 hour and 25 minutes.She is really amazing, she is not only good looking, great in mentality she is also a wonderful mother.
More info in Mini B’s page under puppy info.
May 8th Swedish Kennel Club National Show Larv
We weren’t there, dogshows is not the only thing in the world
and we had a weekend of doing familystuff. We had a great weekend at the summerhouse instead. BUT even if we wasn’t there LP 1, LP II, Argenta’s Yellowstone was. He came second in the best male class with certificate quality.
Well done Maria and Ozzy!
May 2nd Swedish Schnauzer-Pinscher Club Show Gävle
Argenta’s Dotter Delta, out on her first and last show in Sweden before leaving for Iceland, got a first prize and certificate quality and were second in the open females.
Caudatus Bohemia also got a first prize with certificate quality
and were third in the class. Ch Centera Dazzling Dubonet third in the champion females with certificate quality