Life is always very busy so we haven’t had any time to update with all great photos wa recieved this last month. But here they are, we enjoy all of them and we are so happy that you all keep contact.We want to introduce you to a new co owner of the kennel!

Caroline here with our Zylvan Amber “Clura”.
We are now three generations breeding Schnauzer and Mini Schnauzer.
Welcome Caroline!
We got photos from Clura’s breeder Maija Nevala today.

This is Clura’s mother new Finish Ch Top Target Yurmala “Mala”
and Clura’s sister

Zylvan Anis “Anki”.

Argenta’s Eleonor with her friends Sammy and Svante.

Argenta’s Erik Erövrare has just arrived to his new home.

Here with his friend Dronas Inspector Rex.

Here is Argenta’s Ellington “Buster” in his new home.
He is the only puppy staying in Stockholm.

Ch Argenta’s Wakanda and her puppies. There are still a great male puppy left for sale at
Kennel Elestorp

Argenta’s Concordia and Linda went to Norway were they
won there second Norwegian certificate and became Best of Breed.

Ch, LP I Argenta’s Yoline are both winning great results in the showring
and a doing a wonderful work in obedience and workingdog activities.
Beautiful “Cara” is really an all round Schnauzer!

Argenta’s Alistair
and his sister

Argenta’s Asta Aurora here with her best friend Johnny.
A wonderful springday in South Africa.