September 2008

September 2008

September 30th 

We are so happy that everything turned out so well for Warrick and Ravenna.
Thank you all for showing so much interest in both dogs.Argenta’s Mini Anastasya has been to a matchshow in Lindesberg were she won Puppy Best of Breed and the honour price. Congratulation Ulrika and Birgitta!

Siri 4 month

Argenta’s Driscoll has also been to the matchshow “Rimbo Valp”.
He won Puppy Best of Breed and was placed as

Puppy Best In Group Reserv

Well done Ann and “Vicke”!


We have had some very nice days this last weeks.
So we took the dogs and went to the wood.

Boel with Argenta’s Mini Anatoly “Tolle”, Zylvan Amber “Clura”, Argenta’s Caitline “Catie” and Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro “Kolja”.

Kolja taking the lead , then Tolle, Catie and Clura.



Kolja and Clura found the lake

and then back home again.

September 22nd

We are sad to say that we are looking for a new home forCh Argenta’s Warrick “Viggo” and his friend Argenta’s Ravenna “Vega”.
You can find some more information about Ravenna on the W2-litter page.

Warrick is a Swedish Champion, he has done the mentality test and got 1 on the shouting. His hips are A/A.

Ravenna has also been shown on shows and got certificatequality
and some nice judgements.
She has A/A hips and she had a litter some years ago. She is spayed today.
You can get some more information about Vega on the R2-litter.

Tyvärr behöver Warrick och Ravenna hitta ett nytt hem. Warrick är Svensk Champion, är höftledsröntgad och har A/A höfter. Han har dessutom känd mental status med 1 på skotten.

Ravenna är utställd några gånger och har fått certifikatkvalité samt fina bedömningar.
Ravenna är höftledsröntgad med A/A höfter. För några år sedan hade hon en valpkull på 8 valpar. Idag är hon steriliserad.

Viggo and Vega playing.

Warrick on the European winner show in Helsinki Finland.


If you are interested in Vigga and Vega please contact us Kennel Argenta

Om du är intresserad av Viggo och Vega och vill veta mer kontakt oss
på mejl eller på telefon 08-86 25 59 – Birgitta.

September 14th

Swedish Schnauzer Pinscher Show in Höganäs

51 pepper and salt standards were entered
with a total of nearly 260 SSPK breeds
Judge: Wilfried Lohmann, GermanyBest of Breed went to
Ch LP I, LP II, LP III Argenta’s Utrillo

He also won

Best In Show!!!!

Junior Best in Show went to his sister Ch Argenta’s Undine’s son
Adiolas Alenzo, congratulation Monica and thanks for all your help and support!

September 14th 

Matchshow at Vallentuna’s Working Dog Club 

Total entry all breeds were nearly 300 dogs.Another day, another match show, once again just for fun
but also good training for our pups.
We had a great day together with Dotter Delta and her family, Driscoll and his owners, Anatoly and his family and also Aksinja with her family.

First out Argenta’s Mini Anatoly, he won Best of Breed

Argenta’s Mini Aksinja Best in Opposite Sex

Argenta’s Driscoll and Ann won Best of Breed

Argenta’s Driscoll 6 month old

Argenta’s Dotter Delta and her owner Hördur
won Best in Opposite Sex

Then it was time for Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro “Kolja”.
He was the only grown up SS so he became Best of Breed.

and Best In Group

Tolle and Julia
Julia and her dog Tolle.

Anatoly with judge Patric Cederlöf in the group.
Tolle was

Puppy Best in Group 4 

Waiting for the Best in Show

Kolja won

Best In Show

September 13th 

Matchshow at Tierp’s Working Dog Club 

Judge: Jens Myrman
Total entry all breeds were nearly 200 dogs.We took our mini schnauzers
Argenta’s Mini Anatoly and Argenta’s Mini Aksinja 
for their first show just for fun. But it was a great opportunity to train them.
“Kolja” Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro
stayed with us this weekend so he followed us to the show
and had some training too.

Boel, Anatoly and the judge Jens Myrman

Boel and Anatoly, Ulrika and Aksinja

Tolle 4,5 month
Anatoly won Puppy Best of Breed

Molly 4,5 month old
and his lovely sister Aksinja
won Puppy Best in Opposite Sex.

Puppy Best in Show
It was a great moment when our first Miniature Schnauzer Anatoly
later that day won

Puppy Best in Show

The day wasn’t over with that great win.

Kolja continue the success by winning

Best In Show

September 11th  

We got some great photos from Italy and sweet Argenta’s Trilly Theadora.
Thank you Alessandro!

This is Elestorps Full House “Frasse” 1½ year old.
Out of Int & Multi Ch Argenta’s Löjtnant Loke and Ch Argenta’s Wakanda.
Thank you Heidi, this is really a very nice male.

Argenta’s Concordia “Kerstin” met the Ostindiefararen outside Luleå.

“Kerstin” and her friend “Ebba” .
Thank you Linda, the photos are great.

September 7th 

Swedish Kennelclub’s International Dogshow Högbo Bruk 

Judge: Cristian Stavarache, Rumania17 standard schnauzer entered

We all went to the dog show at Högbo Bruk. This was the debut on an SKK show for the D3-litter. This was also the first time Kolian were showed in the official classes.

Argenta’s Driscoll became Puppy Best of Breed

This was also the first time Hördur showed his lovely “Salka”
Argenta’s Dotter Delta.
She was Puppy Best in Opposite sex.

Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro was shown for the first time in the junior class.
He won the CAC and was second best male,
only beaten by his uncle Ch Mihan Merikarhu.

Argenta’s Celeste won the juniorclass together with Ida.
She were also placed as the third best female with CAC,
only beaten by two champions.
Caudatus Bohemia came second with certificate quality in the intermediate class.

The winner in the open female with certificate quality were Argenta’s Unique.
Well shown by her owner Eva.

Second best female were Ch LP I Argenta’s Yoline 

CAC winners
Two CAC winners “Kolja” and “Clara”, Boel and Ida
together with the judge Cristian Stavarache

We took some time after the show to take some nice photos of our two newcomers.

Handsome Kolja

Borodatij Djavol Graf Kaliostro


and sweet Molly

Caudatus Bohemia
coowned by Susanne Lundberg, Kennel Caudatus
and perfectly taken care of by Isabella Hallbjörn Klingenstierna

September 6th 

Swedish Kennelclub’s National Dogshow in Böda, Öland

19 standard schnauzer entered
Judge: Christine Rossier, Switzerland

Anki went to Öland with “Zebbe”


Lp I Argenta’s Zaerskild won the CAC got the Swedish Championtitle
and became Best In Opposite Sex.
Well done Anki within two weekends you have won 4 CAC for us!!

Reserv World Junior Winner’08 Argenta’s Culpepper got a first prize in juniorclass and Argenta’s Brittany won the open females and got an certificate quality.